Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Your Approach to Social Media: Pepper or Steak?

Who's your Social Media mentor? I have several mentors myself and Gary Vaynerchuk tops the list. I love his energy, but moreso, it's his very blunt and honest opinions about this new way of Marketing.

In this recent video, he explains his analogy of "Steak" vs. "Pepper" in terms of how companies view Social Media. VERY interesting and I whole-heartedly agree (and that's not because I'm a steak & potatoes kind 'o girl from the Midwest, either, even though that's true).

How do you see your Social Media efforts? Are you a steak person? Or are you just giving this a sprinkle?

DIG IN, people! Get your steak knives out. It's a delicious treat once you taste your first bite of sweet success!!