Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Create an Easy Link to Your Facebook Account

Ever been frustrated when you want someone to add your Facebook account and they can't find you or your company's Page when they go searching for it? Drives me crazy.

This is difficult because Facebook does not allow you to have your own designated URL. For example, MySpace allows you to choose your own URL - i.e. Mine is

Facebook makes it a little messy, if you want my opinion, although there is always a brilliant third-party application that someone has created to make our lives easier. And I found it!

Simply add the application to give yourself a more clean-looking URL. Mine is

This is available for companies, celebrities, or regular groups or profiles.

Check out this quick-fix here and your issues will be solved:

Hope that makes it easier for all of your adoring fans and clients to find you on Facebook! Getting there shouldn't be the most challenging part!

Tweet, tweet!

For the laugh of the day:

Who said I wasn't productive? No one? I didn't think so... on Twitpic

Are you tweeting enough? It's like working out - the more you sweat, the better results you get. Put in the time and you'll be glad you met so many great new people!